Objekty - tavené sklo, papír, olovo spolu s BJC


Objekt s textem. 9.II.2005. 44,5 x 30 x 30 cm, tavené sklo, olovo, papír, kresba (spoluautorka Barbora Jelínková - Cajthamlová). Text:
On Saturday near the Castle, two circles became many circles, some questions to ask tomorrow, there was silent morning on Sunday.


Objekt s textem.10.II.2005. 40,5 x 25,5 x 33,5 cm, tavené sklo, olovo, papír, kresba, strojopisný text
 (spoluautorka Barbora Jelínková - Cajthamlová). Text:
Smile, Forget, Safe, My, Yours, Touch me,


Objekt s textem. 23.II.2005. 45 x 35 x 35 cm, tavené sklo, olovo, papír, kresba, strojopisný text
 (spoluautorka Barbora Jelínková - Cajthamlová).Text:
Meat, Music, Silence in our cells, Tears,
We were alone at home, Fireplace, Wood, Different, Same.


Objekt s textem. 22.II.2005.
40 x 35 x 35 cm, tavené sklo, olovo, papír, kresba, strojopisný text
. (spoluautorka Barbora Jelínková - Cajthamlová) Text:
Today I was at home, circles, my days, one finger in the hole, in the sky. Circles day by day, for some days, no beginning, no END?