Winter linocuts are made in 2010. It is collection of two coloured linocts printed from one plate. The print Water was used for the cover of the book "Mořská dívka". The prints are in the collection of the Museum of Czech literature, Prague.
Schmincke colours, Canson paper.
Dimensions - 25 x 35 cm, paper 35 x 43 cm
Price for 7 prints in the box is 1 050,- Eur. You can bus prints separately for 190,- Eur a piece.
Signed, numbered
Numbers of prints: Houses in Fire - 9 prints , Mushroom- 14 prints , Rain- 16 prints , Water- 13 prints , Trance- 14 prints, Landscape with Hand- 6 prints, Head with Lizzard- 13 prints
If you are interested please contact author - (tel. +420 608 53 66 02)

Trance, 2010

Water, 2010

Head with Lizzard, 2010

Landscape with Hand, 2010

Rain, 2010

Mushroom, 2010

Houses in Fire, 2010